You and other shareholders are owed billions in compensation for stock fraud.
Securely link your brokerage account to Qalqon to get your share of class action and SEC recovery payments.
your money, your rights

Qalqon is a shareholders' protection Fintech company
Our aim is to educate investors and help provide full legal recourse in security class action lawsuits
We value Shareholders' Protection
Experienced, Professional and
Patent-pending Technology
Connect with Plaintiffs Around the Globe
Patent-pending technology to promote competition and lower fees and increase your returns
Vital financial knowledge and skills to better manage your finances

Everything you need to know to protect your investments
Check your stocks or funds to find out if you are missing out on any claimes here.
From the Stockers Protection page , you will be redirected to the Stanford University Law School Securities Class Action Lawsuit Clearinghouse in cooperation with Cornerstone Research.

FREE Class Action Monitoring for ALL of Your Investment Accounts
Our partner law firm, Kahn Swick & Foti, LLC, with lawyers in New York, California, and Louisiana, is dedicated solely to the practice of class action and individual investor securities litigation, Kahn Swick & Foti (“KSF”) is one of United States' premier boutique securities litigation law firms. KSF serves a variety of clients – including large state institutional investors, hedge funds, and money managers – in seeking recoveries for investment losses emanating from corporate fraud or malfeasance by publicly traded companies has been lead, co-lead, or class counsel in many federal securities fraud and shareholder derivative lawsuits in the United States.
No matter your brokerage, we have you covered.

Monitor your portfolio for FREE
Each year, billions of funds from hundreds of securities class settlement are disbursed to eligible shareholders. Find out if you are one of those inverstors today by becoming a member of ClaimsFiler, created by Kahn, Swick and Foti, LLC.
Explore your shareholder's rights with Qalqon
Rm 1104 Crawford House
70 Queen's Road Central
Hong Kong
info@qalqon.org +852 8177 7669

Middle East Language Development Institute
School of Applied Language Studies
School of International Development

Member of Fintech Association of Hong Kong